Create Passion! 7 Steps To Create Passion In Your Life!

7 Steps To Create Passion In Your Life




“People who create passion

can make the impossible happen!”


Why would we need passion in our life and what is it for?


I believe any type of success or achievement has a passion component attached to it. Passion is the feeling behind motivation that fills your heart with joy and the feeling behind achievement that leaves you feeling grateful.


If you ask successful individuals about their secret of success, and I use the term success in this post to refer to all contexts in life in your relationships, self-improvement, career, business, health etc. They will all tell you only one thing – whatever you do, do it with passion! Hard work and dedication plays a role, but passion plays a key role in determining one’s success.


When you are passionate about something, success and happiness comes automatically. There is a powerful force within all of us and tapping into this source aligns you with your true authentic self. It happens when you get passionate about something and acknowledging the passion and acting on it.


So many people either don’t know what they are passionate about or a burdened with limiting circumstances and beliefs that cloud the will to be passion, and instead of even trying to make a change they lower their standard in life and just do what they think they know is best.



What is life without passion?

You won’t be living, just pushing through and existing.

How can you have a passionate life?


Ask yourself these questions to help you identify your passion:


  • What makes you happy? There should be something in your life right now that you think you couldn’t do without!


  • What is that something you find natural that others don’t? There are times when you do something and others tell you that isn’t easy! It is easy and natural for you; because you’re passionate about it, Acknowledge the feeling when you do this.


  • What pushes you to be creative? When you’re passionate about something you are naturally creative and finding ways to make things better. Tap into this creative side .


  • What is that you’re passionate about that you aren’t bothered about the compensation? In fact, what would you be willing to do for free and get satisfaction out of!


  • What are you very sure about? In most cases, when you are passionate about something, you just know that’s what you have to do and there’s nothing that can stop you, including a fear of failure – because, it doesn’t exist, all that exists is your vision of getting it done.




You want to Create Passion?

Living a life with passion doesn’t just happen, you have to create passion, if you have been living a life that has been unsatisfied and you always seem to find yourself disappointed with people and things, Then there needs to be a big shift in you psychology and habits, to create passion. Our environments we have been exposed to in our life condition us, and it is up to you as the individual to make the changes required to live with passion. Some of us require more that just action steps, there might be some deeper emotions or unconscious patterns affecting your life that need to be released. The first step you must do is to make the decision that you want the change, and when you want to lead a passionate life, here are few steps to follow, how you can create passion:


7 Steps to create passion:

1.Start with a list writing down on what you are grateful in your life for. Every one of us will have several aspects to be thankful for and if you don’t know where to start – start with showing gratitude because you are alive, have a roof over your head, have food to satisfy your hunger, etc. Gratitude is the key to being present and the only way to be truly happy is to be present with in you.


 2.Accept what life threw at you. We are only given what we can handle in life. There is a lesson to be learnt in everything that happens to you or for you, be the student that learns and grows from the experiences. Everyone has their own problems to overcome you just need to focus on yours first. Be grateful that you were able to overcome and still stand to share your story.


 3.Determine your skills, talents, positives, etc. Everyone will have skills, attributes, and talents that are unique. It doesn’t have to be unique, but you possessing skills and talents that are assets are more important. Empower these qualities about yourself change your focus from disempowering to empowering. Be grateful for those and recognize them as your assets with gratitude.


 4.Everything happens for a reason. Take responsibility for your life, you are the sole creator of your life and journey and you are in control of how you feel. It is easy to fall into the trap that someone or something made you feel a certain way. “Not true” They are your emotions and feelings and the trigger lives’ in you to resolve not in any external experience or person. Be proactive not reactive. Learn what need to be learnt and grow from your experiences. Be grateful for them.


 5.Decide you are going to give your best shot in everything you do and that you deserve more out of life, irrespective of what life handed out you. You’re worth everything and more! Tell yourself you deserve it, Fight for it and Create Passion for it.


 6.Discipline yourself to work towards your goals. Action over perfection. Make it a must to progress in your everyday day life and it doesn’t matter what areas in life you are progressing in, the fact of the matter when you are progressing, your achieving so therefor you are happy.


 7.Never compromise when you can be more and strive for what you could achieve. Even so, never forget what you have and what you did you reach where you are today. When you grow as an individual it is not always the case that others around you will grow and there will be times you will be challenged to go back to how you did things before. “don’t” Raise your standards in to what you receive and give. Don’t confuse yourself with expectations and standards. An expectation- when not met will have you be left feeling disappointed and emotional. When a standard is not met a decision will be made to meet the needs of your standard. Be thankful for everything, love yourself and every experience, person and whatever you have in life.


Being passionate is about identifying what you are passionate about and striving to follow it with gratitude.


Peace & Love

Passion to Purpose Coach

Create Passion with me

Michael Sorgiovanni

5 Steps to help you receive what you deserve!

5 step to receive what you deserve!

This week I had the privilege of assisting an amazing women, she has had the most extraordinary life that unfortunately was constructed around pain. It is amazing how strong we can be when strength and the will to survive is all we know. 

We all have a story and have experienced some form of emotions that have caused a negative impact in our life. However it’s what we do with these emotions that makes us individuals, because majority of people will just accept what they have and what they get. 

We become conditioned by our experiences and a certain standard is set sub consciously to what we believe we deserve in life. If you are not getting what you want or feeling the way you would like to feel, it is because on some level you lack the belief that you deserve to receive. So in my opinion self development and goal setting is a very important thing in our life. But the most important thing on goal setting is that you work hard on your goals. 

This can be programmed into you by modelling your parents and family members as a child. If you had parents that felt they deserved more, that may have given you the belief that others deserve more than you. Maybe you come from a background of lack and all you experienced was people just surviving their way through life. This could possibly condition you in a way that every event must be challenging because at a core level it is what you know life to be. 

Yes these deep programs and beliefs will take some more time and effort to change, but nonetheless they are your beliefs and programs that you are allowing to run your life and only you have the opportunity to change them. 

How to make the change..

1. Grab a piece of paper and divide the page into 3 columns.

2. On the left side of the page write down all the things you want to stop happening to you in your life, create a nice list of all the crappy things. 

3. In the middle column write down what you do want instead of those you wrote that you are sick of. Keep them aligned on the page with those in the left column. 

4. In the last column create an affirmation that begins with either “I Deserve” or “I Am” and I want you to do it in such a way that if you were to tell yourself something and that something would be taken serious and create a powerful impact and change in your life. What would the words look like? 

5. Look in the mirror and confirm these affirmations to the amazing individual that looks back at you. This may feel uncomfortable for many at the beginning, so uncomfortable you might even try and convince yourself out of it. This is a good thing, challenge yourself I’m sure you’ve experienced harder things in life than loving yourself. 

Make this a ritual every morning look in the mirror and repeat… until it becomes a belief. You will see the difference over time and start to feel deserving of receiving. 

Enjoy and have fun with this!

Peace & Love 

Michael Sorgiovanni

Get Happiness in its Simplest Form!


Have you ever wondered how to get happiness or more confidence?


It is universally common for us as humans to search and crave that feeling of happiness and get happiness; we are consistently testing and accessing the waters to determine what it is that we are craving. We sometimes live our life pushing and pulling the things we love to get a feeing or response or even some recognition. In some cases we manifest situations of pain to experience a sense of pleasure from it.



These behaviours are unconscious programs created through your life and are running on such a deep level that most of the time, you are not aware of them consciously and it would even seem to absurd to believe you that do those things intentionally. These behaviours are interesting, and there are many reasons why we do them and experience the feelings we feel. I won’t be summing it up in this article, however what I am going to present is a methodology to override and create new programs in its simplest form.


The first question I will ask you is, what makes a person happy and how to get happiness?


This isn’t going to be the answer for eternal happiness, however will describe a simple strategy based on information that you may all be familiar with but not aware of its’ power.


Let’s look at the power of affirmations and how they work.


We all have an incredible ability to control the way we feel, even in the hardest of times when everything seems impossible. How? The first step is to repeat this affirmation 10 times to yourself out loud “I am confident and happy” and at the same time challenge yourself to embody what you are stating about yourself, with this you can get happiness easily.


The purpose of an affirmation to oneself is to adopt a belief that would serve you in the presence and future. If you were to be the things you are saying, you will get the things you want. Make sense? This is positive thinking in its’ simplest form, but creating the outcome by addressing your belief system.


Most people will say an affirmation out loud and have a great result from this in the moment however, don’t seem to follow through. One of the major components to creating long-term change with an affirmation is through repetition.


Repetition to get happiness.


Your unconscious mind is like a computer with a massive span of neurological networks, which requires new information to create new pathways and get happiness. This is where the programs are. At all times, we have billions of nuero-transmitters working in correspondence with ourselves and our lives. We may not see or be conscious of all of these things. It even might seem far-fetched to some, however your whole life is a result of the working together of your conscious and unconscious mind.


In some way, every occurrence that happens in your life is manifested by yourself – by knowing that you are your creator. A new neuro pathway can be created within seconds, through intention of thought or even words. The easy part is creating the new pathway. What people seem to lack, is how to maintain this pathway and create permanent results.


When we say our affirmations to ourselves it creates an energy line, and puts us into an intended state. It is only though repetition and consistency, that the new neural pathways are created. These pathways overtime set the new programs in you brain to how you think and feel.


Think about this for a minute.


Everyday when you finish work, for example around 5pm as you leave your office building. If you were telling yourself or just confirming that you feel tired, it would eventually create a program because you are conditioning yourself to feel that way. There are probably many areas in your life where you could catch yourself, telling yourself something like this and you may not have been aware of this until now because it has just become normality for you to be a certain way.


We don’t question the things that are the problem, we usually question the things we don’t have because of the problem. And don’t know how to get happiness.


Affirmations through repetition can alter your whole life if you choose to commit. No matter the context, whether it be relationships, finances, career, spirituality, health & wellbeing, there are programs running your life right now which are manifesting the results you have.


Commit to make the change.


Peace and love,


Michael Sorgiovanni

How to make a profound change in your world with these 3 things.

In the past 15 years I have invested in transforming my life and studied various forms of self-improvement modalities, and if there were to be something profound and simple that I could take from all of the years and lessons and share it in an article it would be the topic of being present.


What does being present mean to you?


I think firstly experiencing and understanding what not being present would assist and benefit you in really knowing what being present in life actually is.


Ok so here’s a short spill:


Our “System” is designed in such a way to condition and program an individual to think and live in the future and past but to not to stay in the present.


One of the reason’s anxiety and depression are on an all time high is because the lack of truthful education provided to people. We live in a time where diagnosis and prescription are the answer for people’s issues and all preventatives and solutions are a form of holistic practice or something that is deemed as uncommon to real life.


We are amazing creative multi dimensional beings and are not designed to be medicated and imprisoned. We are here to experience life and experiment with it to grow and evolve into self-loving manifesting people.


One of the greatest positive changes you can make it to start thinking outside the box. This term is used a great deal in many areas, for this purpose, practice it in the context of your life and journey as a whole and the true answers will just suddenly appear to assist.


If you follow these 3 things I guarantee that the world you see will change profoundly.


  1. Gratitude Journal


Create a gratitude journal. Write three entries in it every morning of things that you are grateful for in you life. Most of us wake up every morning thinking and trying to plan the day out and sometimes overwhelm ourselves with thoughts and this sets our whole mood and energy for the day. If you start your day off with a positive mindset it will reflect through out the course of the day.

Your brain has been programmed to think a certain way and the only way to change the program is through reputation. Three things you are grateful for everyday for the rest of your life!

If you are grateful for life then you are living in the present. The majority of our society is living in the future, putting expectations on life and in their minds creating events that haven’t taken place yet that causes anxiety. Anxiety in most common cases is merely a person experiencing an event in the future, that hasn’t even taken place yet. It has become a form of normal thinking that most people have no clue on what they are actually anxious about anymore.

If you do your research you will find that the most happy and successful people in the world have a gratitude ritual that they do everyday.


  1. Stop watching the daily news.


Think about this just for a minute.

Your Brain/Neurology is designed to be programmed by the environment and information you feed it, and then to create the paradigm that you live in and experience everyday.

If your are watching a box that delivers nothing but negative stories and experiences from around the world then your perspective on the world is gong to be a negative one. There is so many miracles and positive things happening everyday, you just have to open to seeing them. If you are always focussing on the negative you are not allowing yourself fully to be open to the positive that is all around you. If you are concerned about missing the news, reality is stories that are important will always find their way to you through socialising or some other form of social media platform.

As impossible as this might seem to some of you reading this, if you were to give up watching the news every night It is guaranteed that how you see the world will change significantly in a short period.


  1. Take Responsibility for the way you feel. 


The easiest thing you can do is blame someone for the way they made you feel.

It is impossible for someone to make you feel a certain way because they are your emotions that you are feeling not someone else’s. Take responsibility for your own emotions, every experience you have in life whether it be negative or positive there is something important to learn form it. If there is something you don’t like in someone than it is only a reflection on something you don’t like in yourself because how else would you know you didn’t like if it wasn’t presented to you.

Treat life as a school the more you learn the more you excel.

When you take responsibility for your own feelings and actions it is where the healing begins and as you acknowledge these qualities and behaviours in yourself you begin to shift, change and grow as a person and the experiences you have with people change to more positive ones.

There is beauty in everything and everyone and the way to see it all is to see it in you first.


“Clear the Clutter and Be Present” 


Enjoy, I intend that this has a profound and positive impact in your daily life.


Much Love

Michael Sorgiovanni 

Transformational Coach


Who is Responsible for Change?

There’s a trend to blame, we see people play the blame game everyday whether it’s our friends, family or work colleagues. Blaming something/someone for the way they are feeling, for their financial situation, for being unhealthy or an unfulfilling career, which in most cases it does not seem to be the individual’s fault.

Now this is an unfortunate mindset that we have all been taught at a young age, through the media, religions our school’s, families, and the list’s go on. Does this excuse us from what is happening in our lives, seeming that it wasn’t our fault?

No… it doesn’t and ill explain why…. Finding an excuse as to why our lives aren’t the way we want them is just another way of finding a reason to let you off the hook from taking responsibility and directing your energy to some external person/situation/physical object. I must admit I’ve been here countless times growing up and if anyone believes they haven’t been here their just lying to themselves.

Reason as to why we don’t get what we want in life is because if we have been living on the effect side (reasons) of life as apposed to living on the cause side (results) and getting what you want.

Believe it or not most the world are predominantly on the effect side of the equation, I mean just an example, if you look at our media system it refers to constant negativity that is providing people with excuses why they shouldn’t do something in life.

If you continue to live on the effect side you will continue to be faced with reasons/excuses for where you are, governed by a way of thinking that blocks off your creativity and narrows your choices and freedom. It’s time to make a change and to shift this way of thinking.

Imagine this…If you were to consistently take responsibility for your state of affairs and be on the cause side, knowing that its no one else’s fault. Taking responsibility for your past, present and future, what can that do for you? How would that change the way you act in life?

It would be empowering; you would take back your power in life to change your health, relationship, or career. Knowing that all the limitations you have are yours and therefore you can work on releasing them to achieve what it is you desire.

This statement “C>E”. Cause and effect: the two sides we can be living on in life. A cause causes a certain effect, if I am punishing myself for getting something wrong all day it may cause the effect of depression.

The cause side of the equation is where a person is responsible for their actions and is achieving results, and then a person on the effects side is usually the person finding reasons and excuses in things.

Cause > Effect

 Responsibility (Results) v Reasons (Excuses)

= Empowerment

If you choose to move to the cause side of the equation it will be an empowering experience, it will give you power to change any area of your life, it puts you back in control of your destiny and you wont except anything less than what you want and deserve.

Much Love

Michael Sorgiovanni 
Transformational Coach

10 Successful Ways To Get Motivated.

Are you in need for some motivation? Or do you think you need some more time to think about it?..:-)

Motivation would have to be one of the largest topics on the Internet in the context of self-improvement, and there are many great articles and recourses that will assist you. But.. There seems to be a misconception with some individuals and that is if someone that is lacking motivation in their life and has a severe case of procrastination means they have a psychological problem and require therapy. I mean there is no doubt that there is a greater issue to someone that has a severe case, but if it is just an issue with procrastination does is require a therapist or psychologist? I would say no!

Procrastination is merely a state just like motivation they both have emotions that drive them, and as I have mentioned in previous articles, any state you desire can be achieved in seconds.

In life there is always a positive in every situation and procrastination doesn’t necessarily have to be a negative it is sometimes required to get us to think logically before we make a decision, and prevent those regretful situations.

Then there’s that other type of procrastination the negative type “The Time Thief”. This type of procrastination does have a positive but it does require you to take action and get off your ass and do something as appose to nothing.

There are two types of Motivation and to have the best results in dealing with procrastination it would be to recognize which approach will work best for yourself and the situation.

  1. Towards Motivation: is when we put more emphasis on the benefits of doing something, we move towards a goal and it is our values and feelings that drive us in the context of what we are intending to achieve. We are driven by all the positive vision’s or feeling’s that will lead us to success.
  1. Away From Motivation: is when we put more emphasis on the negative results we might get by not taking action. We focus on the vision or feelings we would have if we failed or just didn’t do anything. This way is refereed to, as the negative way of motivation however is very necessary in some situations and individuals.

With self-motivation you can break new grounds, learn new things, change your circumstances and give your life new meaning.

Here are 10 ways to get motivated:

1.   Mind

Engage your mind daily in something new and challenging. Try filling in a crossword, listen to new music, read a book and allow yourself to be challenged. Purpose to learn something new every single day.

2.   Organize

Planning is important. When everything is disorganized it loses meaning. Plan ahead. Plan for the next day at work from what to wear to what to eat and you will anticipate to see that day so as to live through the activities you have planned.

3.   Talk

Verbal communication is what makes the world go round. Make a new friend, talking to other people opens a new scope of thinking as you learn new cultures and new ways of doing things, and a new appreciation of life develops.

4.   Insight

This refers to a new level of understanding. The only way to get insight is by being open to learn from others, being daring enough to take up new activities and get challenged. A broader understanding brings self-drive.

5.   Variety

Doing the same things can be boring. Take a trip, change your wardrobe, change your hair or try out something new. Variety spices up your life. You will be surprised at the things you can do.

 6.  Attitude 

Optimism cannot be over emphasized. To get motivated the glass should always be half full in your eyes. From the worst of circumstances, look for the very best and express gratitude.

 7.   Teach

 Teaching what you know to somebody else brings satisfaction and spreads joy leaving you fulfilled and encourages you to know more.

8.   Incentive

Reward yourself. A personal incentive encourages discipline.

9.   Opportunity

When we look around us, there are a lot of things that we can do differently and change our circumstances. Cease every chance to better your life and learn new ways to grow and assist others.

10.  Nurture

Improve on the skills you already and learn more every day. From the simplest of things like how to bake something new to the more complex things like learning how to play an instrument.

Motivation is all inside you. Your mind is your limitation.

Get a picture of what you want to achieve and see how it makes you feel, get right in that experience and hear what is going on there, really be associated and hold that picture in you mind and repeat this process over and over until you are there. This simple process will get you out of procrastination an into motivation.

Much Love

Michael Sorgiovanni