by Michael Sorgiovanni | Feb 28, 2016 | Lifestyle, Natural and Alternative, Psychological and Emotional Wellbeing, Relationships, Self Development & Success Skills, Spirituality
Find Peace in you life
If I were to ask you do you remember when was the last time you stopped and just did something for yourself, something that you enjoy, what would the answer be? No? Or not recently? If you answer this questions with yes you have to find peace in your life.
It is easy to get caught up in life. Life can just get so busy and we blink our eyes and another day is over. We get so caught up with making excuses to not go here because we have to do this. We just never seem to get around to catching up with that friend or doing that hobby you like. The worst part is many of us feel guilty if we spend even a few moments other that to improve their career or work!
We live in a very fast paced world and time is so valuable, every second counts to us. You are worried about bills, commitments, and targets etc. Some days you feel like you have the world over your shoulders. Most of us share this reality and it would be in your favour to learn how to find peace in all the chaos before you get sick or run yourself down. Your journey is about staying on top of your game without loosing your life or health, so you have to find peace and do your work.
Here a three things to give yourself to find peace:
Spend time with your loved ones
While it looks impossible most of the time, it is possible if you want to make time for it. We all think our friends, family and loved ones are around all the time and it’s the whole concept of us believing we have all the time in the world. When we believe this we tend to do nothing and a few months go by and you haven’t seen anyone or spent time with them. Connecting with people you care about is rewarding as it calms and slows you down, it puts your mind at ease and will change your focus off the stress. It grounds you in the moment!
Meditate to find peace
Meditation does not need to be a religious process – you can choose to do what ever you want as long as your goal is to get yourself in calm state. Albert Einstein was an extraordinary man and he had one of those minds that just kept going. His process was to hold a pen in his fingers, close his eyes and just breath and as soon as the pen dropped he knew it was time to get up. Meditation is all about spending time to calm your mind and body, to be relaxed and peaceful!
Allow time for yourself
The most important relationship is the one you have with yourself, because this is your life and if you aren’t going to take control of your life then someone else will, with this you find peace easily. We all play different roles in life – you can be the mother, father, friend or partner. We are so talented that we can play so many different roles in life but one important thing we tend to forget is to nurture ourselves. It doesn’t matter how busy you are or how your day went – allocating time for yourself will give a limitless amount of benefits. Creating a true relationship with yourself will determine your relationship with others and I mean that in regards to what kind of chaos you attract in your life. If you find your peace within it will reflect in your world. So whether it is 10 minutes or 1 hour make the commitment to do something alone. You could read a book, go for a walk, do something that is just for you and only you until you feel a tad selfish – it will make you happy and refreshed.
These are just three simple things that you can implement into your life easily to find peace. Peace is presence and the only way you will know how to experience presence is to have a relationship with yourself, stop and feel the good in all and see the love you have all around you.
Peace & Love
Passion to Purpose Coach
Michael Sorgiovanni
by Michael Sorgiovanni | Feb 21, 2016 | Lifestyle, Natural and Alternative, Physical Wellbeing, Psychological and Emotional Wellbeing, Relationships, Self Development & Success Skills, Spirituality, Uncategorized
“The quest for your purpose is not a straight line. It is filled with mystery, signs, obstacles, victories, dead ends, delays and detours. Your job is to stay optimistic and faithful on your quest”. Jon Gordon
We all have this similar goal and it is to aspire to live freely and in complete bliss. We all have more in common with each other than what we don’t. This being said why do some of us have such different life journeys?
The common individual ends up doing what is right or practical that indicates happiness. Living on the right road becomes very unfortunate for many because there is no right road set in place to live a happy life provided to us. Many people loose their happiness and just become existing, instead of living. It becomes a routine and repetitive boring life without heart, soul, or happiness. Consistently feeling there is something missing and possibly expressing in complaints. It is at this point you wonder what went wrong and ponder. It is because you are not living your purpose and lack any passion.
Here are few things that will indicate you are not living your life purpose!
1. Searching: If you are constantly wondering what you are missing in life and searching for the missing link, you are not living your purpose.
2. You’re here: Why do you think you are reading this post? Because, you feel like you are missing something in life – your purpose and landed here in hopes to find it! Your inner self is always searching for what you truly desire, the question is are you seeing it?
3. You aren’t happy: No matter what you do or what you’ve achieved, you aren’t happy. You could be living a dream – luxury, money, loving family, career, fame, and what not! Yet, you aren’t happy and feel something is missing, while everyone who looks at you from outside think you are living a dream – you aren’t living your purpose.
4. Fear of the unknown: You know this isn’t what you are meant to do, but still stuck with it for practical reasons or because you don’t want to leave your routine life – your net of safety in pursuit of the unknown, you aren’t living your purpose
5. Disconnect: Do you feel your life isn’t what it is meant to be and that you aren’t sure about life, though it looks like you have everything you need for a intended and happy life? It means you aren’t living your purpose.
6. Just existing: Every morning you wake up, but aren’t excited for the new day you’ve been given? If you aren’t excited, you are not passionate about what you do. You are just existing and not living? You are not living your purpose.
7. Last but not the least – doing things for the approval of others! There are times when we feel pressured to do stuff for others – it could be your parents’ approval, to appease or impress your loved one, etc. You do things you probably don’t want to do but think others expect it from you, so you end up doing it – you could be living someone else’s life.
We are born into this beautiful world and all be a purpose on this earth to fulfill. Some of us are not even aware of this notion consciously. You have so much to give to this world, why would you choose just to follow the crowd and be like everyone else? Your gift of individuality should be empowered and promoted to serve a purpose. Life can be very short and if we think we have all the time in the world than we really won’t challenge ourselves to do more because we could always do it later. Find your purpose, search within yourself and live the life you were born to!
It begins with finding your passion. Check out this article on 7 steps to create passion ->
Peace & Love
Michael Sorgiovanni
Type a message…
by Michael Sorgiovanni | Feb 14, 2016 | Business, Lifestyle, Natural and Alternative, Physical Wellbeing, Psychological and Emotional Wellbeing, Relationships, Self Development & Success Skills, Spirituality, Uncategorized
“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong”.
Mahatma Gandhi
We have experienced some form of pain and hurt at some point, and even hold some resentment to date. You could experience something as simple as an act done due to sibling rivalry, or simple fights at work or something bigger like a break-up, betrayal, murder, assault, etc. The fact of the matter is, no one is perfect and we all tend to make mistakes of different magnitude depending on the circumstances. These mistakes are sometimes what moulds us who we are today, But, holding a grudge or resentment towards someone long after the original incident can lead to various issues in life, emotional, health problems relationship etc. I appreciate a few issues can leave a lasting mark, but it depends on whether or not you want to let it go, forgive and continue with your life or choose to bring them into your future.
So, why should you forgive someone who’s wronged or betrayed you? If you are thinking that I am suggesting you need to forgive the person who’s hurt you because they need salvation or should be able to live guilt-free, you are wrong! Forgiveness is for your benefit and yours only!
Holding onto resentment or anger towards someone is the same as slowly torquering yourself, because the more anger you have within yourself the more your body and thoughts will be polluted with negativity. We are driven by emotion in life and if we are hanging onto negative emotions like anger or resentment toward someone all we are really doing on the biological and neurology level is experiencing these emotions in ourselves, in other terms we are directly punishing ourselves.
Do you really want to burden yourself and risk your health because you refuse to let someone else go, that probably does not give a crap anyway?
So, how can you forgive? Here are few steps to get you started with the process of forgiveness.
Understand: Think and understand what incident or who is actually responsible for resentment or grudge you’re holding. Put yourself in the other persons shoes just for a minute, we all have a different picture in life and we believe what we see and experience. So it is always possible that the other person is seeing a complete different picture from his or her own emotion’s and challenges. Sometimes we can get so caught up that we don’t even know what we are angry at and what we could be experiencing is the blame we have for ourselves and we project it onto another person. My point here is; if they are your emotions you are feeling than you are responsible for controlling them not another person unless you allow it.
Talk: In most cases, you would hold a grudge or resentment about a person or incident, but you’ve never spoken to someone about it. Once you identify the problem, talk to someone about it. It could be anyone –Family, a Coach/Therapist, and friend. This has two advantages – one, the resentment comes down after letting it out because the fact of the matter everything needs an outlet, if you hang onto it all that will happen is it will expand over time until it explodes. Talking will also help you get a different perspective of the scenario or person, which will open the possibilities.
Don’t Expect: The person who wronged you, may or may not regret it. That’s none of your business or concern. Holding resentment is affecting you emotionally and physically and only you. Instead of thinking you will only let go when they apologize, take some responsibility and decide to forgive and let go. Free yourself from the burden. You don’t need to communicate with the person involved or even make-up with them! You can write them a letter and then burn it. You can be as creative as you want with the process just as long as the intention is to let go and get it out of you.
Start Living: Irrespective of who’s wronged you, you are defeating them by living your life and succeeding in everything you do! So, focus on your goals and objectives and work towards achieving them. Drive your energy towards leading a successful and happy life and work towards that direction. Be motivated by yourself and your own motives not others.
When you let go and start living, you will start noticing positive changes in your mood, stress-levels, health, and what not. Forgive yourself and others and start living your life free from resentment and guilt – you are worth it!
For real deep burdens one of the most powerful techniques in this world for forgiveness is an ancient Hawaiian process called “Ho’oponopono”. I wont be going into this process to much as I will be writing a whole article on ho’oponopono in the near future. The process utilizes 4 phrases and the process is as follows. Think of the person or even picture yourself in the situation or the effected part of you and say these words slowly: 1. I love you 2. I am sorry 3. Please forgive me 4. Thank you and then repeat. In this process you will see the image change, it will evolve and become what it is meant to be beautiful, amazing and free.
Peace & Love
Passion to Purpose Coach
Michael Sorgiovanni
by Michael Sorgiovanni | Feb 7, 2016 | Business, Lifestyle, Natural and Alternative, Physical Wellbeing, Psychological and Emotional Wellbeing, Relationships, Self Development & Success Skills, Spirituality, Uncategorized
“People who create passion
can make the impossible happen!”
Why would we need passion in our life and what is it for?
I believe any type of success or achievement has a passion component attached to it. Passion is the feeling behind motivation that fills your heart with joy and the feeling behind achievement that leaves you feeling grateful.
If you ask successful individuals about their secret of success, and I use the term success in this post to refer to all contexts in life in your relationships, self-improvement, career, business, health etc. They will all tell you only one thing – whatever you do, do it with passion! Hard work and dedication plays a role, but passion plays a key role in determining one’s success.
When you are passionate about something, success and happiness comes automatically. There is a powerful force within all of us and tapping into this source aligns you with your true authentic self. It happens when you get passionate about something and acknowledging the passion and acting on it.
So many people either don’t know what they are passionate about or a burdened with limiting circumstances and beliefs that cloud the will to be passion, and instead of even trying to make a change they lower their standard in life and just do what they think they know is best.
What is life without passion?
You won’t be living, just pushing through and existing.
How can you have a passionate life?
Ask yourself these questions to help you identify your passion:
What makes you happy? There should be something in your life right now that you think you couldn’t do without!
What is that something you find natural that others don’t? There are times when you do something and others tell you that isn’t easy! It is easy and natural for you; because you’re passionate about it, Acknowledge the feeling when you do this.
What pushes you to be creative? When you’re passionate about something you are naturally creative and finding ways to make things better. Tap into this creative side .
What is that you’re passionate about that you aren’t bothered about the compensation? In fact, what would you be willing to do for free and get satisfaction out of!
What are you very sure about? In most cases, when you are passionate about something, you just know that’s what you have to do and there’s nothing that can stop you, including a fear of failure – because, it doesn’t exist, all that exists is your vision of getting it done.
You want to Create Passion?
Living a life with passion doesn’t just happen, you have to create passion, if you have been living a life that has been unsatisfied and you always seem to find yourself disappointed with people and things, Then there needs to be a big shift in you psychology and habits, to create passion. Our environments we have been exposed to in our life condition us, and it is up to you as the individual to make the changes required to live with passion. Some of us require more that just action steps, there might be some deeper emotions or unconscious patterns affecting your life that need to be released. The first step you must do is to make the decision that you want the change, and when you want to lead a passionate life, here are few steps to follow, how you can create passion:
7 Steps to create passion:
1.Start with a list writing down on what you are grateful in your life for. Every one of us will have several aspects to be thankful for and if you don’t know where to start – start with showing gratitude because you are alive, have a roof over your head, have food to satisfy your hunger, etc. Gratitude is the key to being present and the only way to be truly happy is to be present with in you.
2.Accept what life threw at you. We are only given what we can handle in life. There is a lesson to be learnt in everything that happens to you or for you, be the student that learns and grows from the experiences. Everyone has their own problems to overcome you just need to focus on yours first. Be grateful that you were able to overcome and still stand to share your story.
3.Determine your skills, talents, positives, etc. Everyone will have skills, attributes, and talents that are unique. It doesn’t have to be unique, but you possessing skills and talents that are assets are more important. Empower these qualities about yourself change your focus from disempowering to empowering. Be grateful for those and recognize them as your assets with gratitude.
4.Everything happens for a reason. Take responsibility for your life, you are the sole creator of your life and journey and you are in control of how you feel. It is easy to fall into the trap that someone or something made you feel a certain way. “Not true” They are your emotions and feelings and the trigger lives’ in you to resolve not in any external experience or person. Be proactive not reactive. Learn what need to be learnt and grow from your experiences. Be grateful for them.
5.Decide you are going to give your best shot in everything you do and that you deserve more out of life, irrespective of what life handed out you. You’re worth everything and more! Tell yourself you deserve it, Fight for it and Create Passion for it.
6.Discipline yourself to work towards your goals. Action over perfection. Make it a must to progress in your everyday day life and it doesn’t matter what areas in life you are progressing in, the fact of the matter when you are progressing, your achieving so therefor you are happy.
7.Never compromise when you can be more and strive for what you could achieve. Even so, never forget what you have and what you did you reach where you are today. When you grow as an individual it is not always the case that others around you will grow and there will be times you will be challenged to go back to how you did things before. “don’t” Raise your standards in to what you receive and give. Don’t confuse yourself with expectations and standards. An expectation- when not met will have you be left feeling disappointed and emotional. When a standard is not met a decision will be made to meet the needs of your standard. Be thankful for everything, love yourself and every experience, person and whatever you have in life.
Being passionate is about identifying what you are passionate about and striving to follow it with gratitude.
Peace & Love
Passion to Purpose Coach
Create Passion with me
Michael Sorgiovanni
by Michael Sorgiovanni | Jan 24, 2016 | Business, Lifestyle, Natural and Alternative, Physical Wellbeing, Psychological and Emotional Wellbeing, Relationships, Self Development & Success Skills, Spirituality, Uncategorized
This week I had the privilege of assisting an amazing women, she has had the most extraordinary life that unfortunately was constructed around pain. It is amazing how strong we can be when strength and the will to survive is all we know.
We all have a story and have experienced some form of emotions that have caused a negative impact in our life. However it’s what we do with these emotions that makes us individuals, because majority of people will just accept what they have and what they get.
We become conditioned by our experiences and a certain standard is set sub consciously to what we believe we deserve in life. If you are not getting what you want or feeling the way you would like to feel, it is because on some level you lack the belief that you deserve to receive. So in my opinion self development and goal setting is a very important thing in our life. But the most important thing on goal setting is that you work hard on your goals.
This can be programmed into you by modelling your parents and family members as a child. If you had parents that felt they deserved more, that may have given you the belief that others deserve more than you. Maybe you come from a background of lack and all you experienced was people just surviving their way through life. This could possibly condition you in a way that every event must be challenging because at a core level it is what you know life to be.
Yes these deep programs and beliefs will take some more time and effort to change, but nonetheless they are your beliefs and programs that you are allowing to run your life and only you have the opportunity to change them.
How to make the change..
1. Grab a piece of paper and divide the page into 3 columns.
2. On the left side of the page write down all the things you want to stop happening to you in your life, create a nice list of all the crappy things.
3. In the middle column write down what you do want instead of those you wrote that you are sick of. Keep them aligned on the page with those in the left column.
4. In the last column create an affirmation that begins with either “I Deserve” or “I Am” and I want you to do it in such a way that if you were to tell yourself something and that something would be taken serious and create a powerful impact and change in your life. What would the words look like?
5. Look in the mirror and confirm these affirmations to the amazing individual that looks back at you. This may feel uncomfortable for many at the beginning, so uncomfortable you might even try and convince yourself out of it. This is a good thing, challenge yourself I’m sure you’ve experienced harder things in life than loving yourself.
Make this a ritual every morning look in the mirror and repeat… until it becomes a belief. You will see the difference over time and start to feel deserving of receiving.
Enjoy and have fun with this!
Peace & Love
Michael Sorgiovanni
by Michael Sorgiovanni | Jan 10, 2016 | Business, Lifestyle, Natural and Alternative, Physical Wellbeing, Psychological and Emotional Wellbeing, Relationships, Self Development & Success Skills, Spirituality
“The only thing that you have that nobody else has is you, your voice, your mind, your story, your vision. So write and draw and build and play and dance and live as only you can”.
Identity and Individuality is your most powerful asset you have because its the source of all that makes you, that give you and your life meaning it defines who you are and its where your uniqueness resides.
life biggest lesson is the lesson of “The loss of Identity”
Loosing your identity is more common than you think and at some point we have all or will experience this confusing thought of how the “hell did I end up here”. I’m sure there has been a time you have lacked the confidence to make a decision and allowed someone else to make it for you and then end up in a scenario that was not one of your choice.
Predominately this loss occurs within the relationships we have in our lives. It could be from any context of a relationship; a Committed Partnership, Family, Social Friendship, Work Relationships etc
The effects can be catastrophic to your life and many people go through life hypnotized and living an illusion in someone else’s expectations.
How would you know you have lost this sacred part of you.
-Maybe you miss feeling independent and lack confidence as a person? or
-Make decisions with someone else’s perspective even when they’re not a contribution.
-Or maybe you feel like you’ve lost that unique personality that use to separate you from the rest and now have lost confidence in your own abilities?
Having your own independence is very important to living a life that you are sure and confident with. It is crucial to any relationship that both couples or groups have their own presence to keep it healthy and lasting. A relationship that is driven by one’s power to control is a lifeless experience and a self awakening is required for change.
I have marked out three ways to assist anyone to establish their own identity that might be feeling lost or unsure as who they are or have become:
- Have Some Time Alone
You can never truly know someone if you don’t know yourself so save yourself many troubles and arguments and get to know more about what makes you happy, and what makes you sad. Feel what you feel and explore your inner peace. Spending more time alone will help you regain your sense of self.
When your alone you can be completely honest with your self. Challenge yourself – write something down, write the things that piss you off in life and in people and see if any of those things resemble in you. Write the things that you want in life, set some goals keep them to yourself if you want.
Identify your hobbies and interest and just do them, set a date and book something in that will commit you to the experience.
- Make new friends
Making new friends will give you the confidence in knowing that you have your own independence and it will challenge you to get out of your comfort zone. Join a social group or a sports team and connect with people on different levels that you are interested in and let go of all expectations. Have fun laugh about things that you wouldn’t usually with others. Meeting new people will show that you are still capable of being the person you used to be the “good parts”.
- Trust Yourself
Don’t be so dependant on people and there is no need to revolve your whole life around other people. You don’t have to tell your partner everything, create a relationship that is free and based on trust.
Trust yourself enough to take risks, you will always come out in front by following your own gut feeling. Tap into your intuition and trust it. Make small decisions and acknowledge them and overtime you will get more confident at making the big decisions.
Bounce back if you have experienced a toxic relationship and if you are in one then make some changes in your life, get out of the victim mentality and take responsibility for your life, take control and reclaim your independence.
Power is in the paradox – By getting lost you will find yourself and live with identity and purpose.
Peace and Love – Your Coach
Michael Sorgiovanni
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