4 Ways to help you deal with a Break Up

4 Ways to help you deal with a Break Up

|| 4 Ways to help you deal with a Break Up ||

~ 3 dependencies in a relationship ~

-Co-dependence: relying on others to provide what we are not providing for ourselves.
– Independence: being self-reliant, self-empowered and capable of providing our own needs, emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually.
– Interdependence: being a whole and balanced person who is able to share with and join in the healthy resources of life and others. This facilitates an even greater expansion in life than the independent stage, as we now have unlimited access to even more love, success and happiness than we could have provided for ourselves.

4 strategies that will help you move on
1. Write it down
2. Take care of yourself
3. Focu on all the good things you have
4. Do things you love

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I AM/WE are Living Our Power Now Group facebook.com/groups/1654002068193064/

Looking forward to connecting with you soon!

Peace & Love


7 Tips to Deal With Aggressive People

7 Tips to Deal With Aggressive People





“Never waste your time trying to explain who you are to people who are committed to misunderstanding you”.


It is inevitable in life that some point you are going to meet some aggressive or controlling people. These people could present themselves in many forms they could be family, a partner, friends, colleagues or even your boss. How you deal with these people or situations may have a great impact on your future relationships.


In these situations it can be easy to react and then become part of the problem without even realizing. It takes a conscious effort to become a certain person that is proactive when another person is being aggressive or undermining. When you make the decision to treat people with respect, and that is including yourself because remember a person that gets aggressive and talks about other people is only coming from a place of insecurities and ego. Generally people won’t value themselves enough to be kind to others and they may create a reality that fulfills their own needs by taking out their aggression on other people.


Here a few simple and effective ways to deal with aggressive people…


Understand – Know that people are not their behaviours. This is not giving someone an excuse to behave a certain way; it is more so helping you not react to something that possibly might have nothing to do with you. There is always an underlying issue for someone getting very aggressive.


Stay Calm – One of the motives around aggressive and controlling behaviours is to get the other person more worked up or just to get a certain response. Be calm and don’t give the behaviour what it wants. When you don’t give negativity attention and send it love, it will go away.


Don’t allow guilt – One common tool attached to aggressive behaviour is to try to make you feel guilty. Doing things out of guilt is not normally coming from a good place so most of the times when you decide to be motivated by shame or guilt it can leave you feeling drained and depleted. Be centered in yourself and certain in your own decisions and choices you have made in life, they are experiences not other people’s weapons against you.


Know your own rights – No one has the right to be aggressive to you or behind your back so respect yourself enough to be direct or remove yourself from the situation. If this is something that has arisen behind your back then you could look at it from this perspective: if someone is taking the time out of their life to talk about you then let them, chances are people will probably know them as someone that talks about others freely in public. Either way you give yourself some credit you are not wasting your time on being negative towards others.


Don’t request anything from them – Aggressive individuals love being given control and power. Be cautious of your situation that you are not putting yourself in a situation that might backfire. There is always many resources and options if you change your perspective from victim to victor.


Shift the focus – In many cases someone that is getting aggressive will be in blame mode and putting their focus on you, if you can create an opportunity to change the focus to something more settling in the same context then do it. You will be creating an exit strategy to end the aggression and transition into another topic.


Resolution – One thing is to be sure that this is not coming from you. We tend to attract what is required to be healed within ourselves. I’m sure there have been some situations in your life where you have had a repeat of people or behaviours popping up in your life. If so ask yourself “what do I need to learn from this that will improve me as an individual”?


These are just a few tips to handle aggressive individuals, if you require any more information just flick me a message and I will be more than happy to assist.


Peace & Love 


Michael Sorgiovanni 



Successful Relationship – 8 Keys to get it

8 Keys to Having a Successful Relationship With Yourself


“When you’re different, sometimes you don’t see the millions of people who accept you for what you are. All you notice is the person who doesn’t.”
Jodi Picoult 

In a world that everything has gone fast paced and digital, maintaining a successful relationship with you is vital

The daily news is focused on the negative and most people just seem to have their opinions on everything these days, what might seem good for you might not seem good for others. When you listen and take on the opinions of others, life can become conflicting, and everything you do can feel like a task more so than a choice. This is why you need to keep yourself clear from the drama and spend more time with yourself. One of your main purposes in life is to find your own individuality and experience life through your own eyes, not through someone else’s set of beliefs and experiences.


Is it possible to have a successful relationship with yourself? Yes it is. A well-known fact is that you wont be able to have a successful relationship with anyone if you don’t have one with yourself!


Here are 8 keys to having a successful relationship with yourself.




Don’t be a people pleaser! – Understand that it is not possible to please everyone and if your try to, you will eventually burn yourself out, it can be very exhausting doing things for the wrong reasons. Instead of working towards being someone that everyone likes, works towards being the person you love!




Exercise– There is nothing better than breaking out a sweat or just taking a walk in nature to improve your mood and get a successful relationship. If you have a park or beach near you, head out an go for a walk and have no expectations, just soak it all in and relax.




Use affirmations– whatever you are trying to achieve with yourself or others, having a positive outlook will only make it easier. Positivity is addictive and contagious for a reason. Use affirmations to bring out positivity in your life, it will leave you feeling happier and more confident.




Surround yourself with good vibes – Spend some time with people that care about you. It could be friends or relatives – spending time with people that want to see you do good, will make you feel good.




Love – Remember this, if you can’t love yourself, no one else can! Do the things that you want to do because you deserve it and know that you are amazing. Be kind and loving to yourself with every experience that happens in your life. You deserve good, even when things may appear bad.




Be Grateful – for everything you have in your life because after all it is your life and everything is in it. Life is all perspective, you either see the bad, or you can see the good in things, simple! When you are grateful for your life, the people and experiences you have, everything else that enters becomes a gift.




Be Healthy – Did you know that many psychological and emotional issues stem from a lack of nutrition? You have neurological connections all through your body, so if you feed it crap your going to feel like crap. Taking care of your health and the one body you have on this earth should be important to you. Eating right, exercise regularly and you will feel happy, confident and have a successful relationship.  




Feed your Inner Child – Last but not least feed your inner child and have some fun! It’s ok to be silly sometimes and laugh, do something you wouldn’t normally do and feed your inner child’s appetite for fun and excitement. There is a little you inside and he/she craves your attention.

I am sure you are able to get a successful relationship with yourself.





It is a common belief to many that meeting your soul mate and getting married, starting a family will make you happy. Yes there is some major truth within this experience, but there is also statistical truth that many people loose themselves in these experiences. Establishing a relationship with you will eliminate the possibility of joining the statistics and instead it will help you have full and happy life.


Peace & Love

Michael Sorgiovanni



7 patterns that you are not inline with your purpose

7 patterns that you are not inline with your purpose


“The quest for your purpose is not a straight line. It is filled with mystery, signs, obstacles, victories, dead ends, delays and detours. Your job is to stay optimistic and faithful on your quest”. Jon Gordon

We all have this similar goal and it is to aspire to live freely and in complete bliss. We all have more in common with each other than what we don’t. This being said why do some of us have such different life journeys?

The common individual ends up doing what is right or practical that indicates happiness. Living on the right road becomes very unfortunate for many because there is no right road set in place to live a happy life provided to us. Many people loose their happiness and just become existing, instead of living. It becomes a routine and repetitive boring life without heart, soul, or happiness. Consistently feeling there is something missing and possibly expressing in complaints. It is at this point you wonder what went wrong and ponder. It is because you are not living your purpose and lack any passion.

Here are few things that will indicate you are not living your life purpose!

1. Searching: If you are constantly wondering what you are missing in life and searching for the missing link, you are not living your purpose.

2. You’re here: Why do you think you are reading this post? Because, you feel like you are missing something in life – your purpose and landed here in hopes to find it! Your inner self is always searching for what you truly desire, the question is are you seeing it?

3. You aren’t happy: No matter what you do or what you’ve achieved, you aren’t happy. You could be living a dream – luxury, money, loving family, career, fame, and what not! Yet, you aren’t happy and feel something is missing, while everyone who looks at you from outside think you are living a dream – you aren’t living your purpose.

4. Fear of the unknown: You know this isn’t what you are meant to do, but still stuck with it for practical reasons or because you don’t want to leave your routine life – your net of safety in pursuit of the unknown, you aren’t living your purpose

5. Disconnect: Do you feel your life isn’t what it is meant to be and that you aren’t sure about life, though it looks like you have everything you need for a intended and happy life? It means you aren’t living your purpose.

6. Just existing: Every morning you wake up, but aren’t excited for the new day you’ve been given? If you aren’t excited, you are not passionate about what you do. You are just existing and not living? You are not living your purpose.

7. Last but not the least – doing things for the approval of others! There are times when we feel pressured to do stuff for others – it could be your parents’ approval, to appease or impress your loved one, etc. You do things you probably don’t want to do but think others expect it from you, so you end up doing it – you could be living someone else’s life.

We are born into this beautiful world and all be a purpose on this earth to fulfill. Some of us are not even aware of this notion consciously. You have so much to give to this world, why would you choose just to follow the crowd and be like everyone else? Your gift of individuality should be empowered and promoted to serve a purpose. Life can be very short and if we think we have all the time in the world than we really won’t challenge ourselves to do more because we could always do it later. Find your purpose, search within yourself and live the life you were born to!

It begins with finding your passion. Check out this article on 7 steps to create passion -> https://livingyourpowernow.com/7-steps-to-create-passion-in-your-life/

Peace & Love 

Michael Sorgiovanni 


Type a message…


4 step forgiveness process

4 step forgiveness process


“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong”.  

Mahatma Gandhi


We have experienced some form of pain and hurt at some point, and even hold some resentment to date. You could experience something as simple as an act done due to sibling rivalry, or simple fights at work or something bigger like a break-up, betrayal, murder, assault, etc. The fact of the matter is, no one is perfect and we all tend to make mistakes of different magnitude depending on the circumstances. These mistakes are sometimes what moulds us who we are today, But, holding a grudge or resentment towards someone long after the original incident can lead to various issues in life, emotional, health problems relationship etc. I appreciate a few issues can leave a lasting mark, but it depends on whether or not you want to let it go, forgive and continue with your life or choose to bring them into your future.


So, why should you forgive someone who’s wronged or betrayed you? If you are thinking that I am suggesting you need to forgive the person who’s hurt you because they need salvation or should be able to live guilt-free, you are wrong! Forgiveness is for your benefit and yours only!


Holding onto resentment or anger towards someone is the same as slowly torquering yourself, because the more anger you have within yourself the more your body and thoughts will be polluted with negativity. We are driven by emotion in life and if we are hanging onto negative emotions like anger or resentment toward someone all we are really doing on the biological and neurology level is experiencing these emotions in ourselves, in other terms we are directly punishing ourselves.


Do you really want to burden yourself and risk your health because you refuse to let someone else go, that probably does not give a crap anyway?




So, how can you forgive? Here are few steps to get you started with the process of forgiveness.


Understand: Think and understand what incident or who is actually responsible for resentment or grudge you’re holding. Put yourself in the other persons shoes just for a minute, we all have a different picture in life and we believe what we see and experience. So it is always possible that the other person is seeing a complete different picture from his or her own emotion’s and challenges. Sometimes we can get so caught up that we don’t even know what we are angry at and what we could be experiencing is the blame we have for ourselves and we project it onto another person. My point here is; if they are your emotions you are feeling than you are responsible for controlling them not another person unless you allow it.


Talk: In most cases, you would hold a grudge or resentment about a person or incident, but you’ve never spoken to someone about it. Once you identify the problem, talk to someone about it. It could be anyone –Family, a Coach/Therapist, and friend. This has two advantages – one, the resentment comes down after letting it out because the fact of the matter everything needs an outlet, if you hang onto it all that will happen is it will expand over time until it explodes. Talking will also help you get a different perspective of the scenario or person, which will open the possibilities.



Don’t Expect: The person who wronged you, may or may not regret it. That’s none of your business or concern. Holding resentment is affecting you emotionally and physically and only you. Instead of thinking you will only let go when they apologize, take some responsibility and decide to forgive and let go. Free yourself from the burden. You don’t need to communicate with the person involved or even make-up with them! You can write them a letter and then burn it. You can be as creative as you want with the process just as long as the intention is to let go and get it out of you.


Start Living: Irrespective of who’s wronged you, you are defeating them by living your life and succeeding in everything you do! So, focus on your goals and objectives and work towards achieving them. Drive your energy towards leading a successful and happy life and work towards that direction. Be motivated by yourself and your own motives not others.


When you let go and start living, you will start noticing positive changes in your mood, stress-levels, health, and what not. Forgive yourself and others and start living your life free from resentment and guilt – you are worth it!


For real deep burdens one of the most powerful techniques in this world for forgiveness is an ancient Hawaiian process called “Ho’oponopono”. I wont be going into this process to much as I will be writing a whole article on ho’oponopono in the near future. The process utilizes 4 phrases and the process is as follows. Think of the person or even picture yourself in the situation or the effected part of you and say these words slowly: 1. I love you 2. I am sorry 3. Please forgive me 4. Thank you and then repeat. In this process you will see the image change, it will evolve and become what it is meant to be beautiful, amazing and free.

Peace & Love

Passion to Purpose Coach

Michael Sorgiovanni
