“Among other things, neuroplasticity means that emotions such as happiness and compassion can be cultivated in much the same way that a person can learn through repetition to play golf and basketball or master a musical instrument, and that such practice changes the activity and physical aspects of specific brain areas.”
― Andrew Weil,
Do you experience the same negative thoughts or behaviours that keep on popping up in your life?
Are you confused sometimes as to why you plan to do something and end up doing the opposite instead? It’s like there is a part in you that has its own plan most of the time.
What if you knew how to make permanent change to your thoughts? And what I mean by this is the thoughts that pop up automatically.
As humans we are formed and developed at a very young age. Between the ages of 0-8 our brains are 85% developed. 85% of your neuron pathways have been formed; you have adopted a set of values and these values will be how you experience the world and perceive through all your five senses – Touch, Taste, Sound, Sight, Smell. All this that has been manifested inside you will be your motivation for the rest of your life, unless in life you experience significant change that can alter your values hierarchy.
Have you ever noticed that some things just keep repeating themselves in life, they might be with different people, and environments but the emotions are the same?
“Any man could, if he were so inclined, be the sculptor of his own brain.”
― Santiago Ramón y Cajal
Our ability to make long lasting change can be adopted by the same processes we used when we at the ages of 0-8. There is a study called Neuroplasticity and when this motion is functioning neurologically it denotes our brain’s potential to adopt changes that we are experiencing at the time. Meaning we can adopt a new way of thinking unconsciously.
What are neurons? Neurons are nerve cells found in our brain and are made up of dendrites, axon and linked to each other through synapses. The word Plastic means to sculpt, modify, or mould.
Neuroplasticity is getting momentum and is considered as a way to rewire your brain to make changes in your life. It is important to educate yourself and understand that the brain can either recognize or adapt itself throughout our lives. Neuroplasticity makes is possible for our brain to cope with loss or injury by forming new neurons and adapting to changes in a person’s environment or life.
Basically what happens is the change happens due to “axonal sprouting” where axons that are not damaged grow our new nerve endings, and then reconnect to neurons with damaged or injured links, thus creating a fresh and new neural pathway for accomplishing key functions.
Neuroplasticity can bring about positive changes in a person’s life. For example, you want to learn a new language, or a new skill like playing a musical instrument, you can still do it not matter what your age. Kids can learn stuff sooner, it is no different for adults though it can take a little longer.
What about learning difficulties or birth defects? Do you know Neuroplasticity is what helps individuals adapt and recover from injury, say for example a stroke. Diagnoses like ADHD, ADD or even Autism and other brain disorders can be reversed or dealt with through Neuroplasticity.
Even those with psychological or emotional
issues like depression can use Neuroplasticity to aid in their development. In other words, the possibilities of Neuroplasticity are endless and can influence every aspect of our lives.
The most easiest and obvious strategy to heal with Neuroplasticity is “Reputation”. Find something positive you want to adopt a behaviour, a new way of thinking, or a new belief system. Establish an association in all your 5 senses with the proposed new way of thinking. Get yourself there in your imagination as embody the experience and then repeat. Be consistent everyday and repeat what you want the outcome to be and this will create the new neurological pathways and eventually embed them as a part of your consciousness.
Have you ever heard the term “fake it till you make it” although it has a word in the term that may not represent a authentic action, nonetheless this term has a powerful message when applied.
If you can see it, feel it, and hear it then you become it!
Peace and Love
Michael Sorgiovanni
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