5 things to add to your daily diet to enhance your mind and body

Good habits and proper cleansing to naturally detoxify the body and mind can really help you in achieving amazing health benefits. The connection between the mind and the body is a very real one. The way your body feels plays a vital role in how your brain works and whether you experience a condition of well-being or not.

Keeping your mind and body free of nasty things, toxins and free radicals is essential to maintain a healthy life. There is a major effect of clean eating, as detox foods are the road to purification providing multiple long-lasting benefits throughout the body and mind. Below is a list of the best foods that have positive effects to your mind and body.



Artichokes help in the proper functioning of the liver, which turn your body to cleanse itself of the toxins. It boosts the production of bile in the liver and bile helps in breaking down foods. The proper breaking of foods helps your body to effectively use the nutrients inside them.




Asparagus on the white background


It is not only a tasty veggie, but asparagus also ranks high when it comes to detoxifying of your body. Asparagus is a general anti-inflammatory food, helping your heart stay healthy and protects you from getting cancer.





Beet roots.



It is good to include beetroot in your daily diet as this food is a great cleaning agent for your body. Beets are known as a super food because of the amazing benefits that it provides to the human body. This food helps in ensuring proper cleansing of toxins inside the body. Moreover, Beets help with free-radicals and convert them to an anti-cancer aid.






Green Tea

Green tea is a great addition to your diet because of its high antioxidant value. The major function of antioxidants is to kill free radicals before they damage your body. It is a perfect beverage to drink on a regular basis for getting into a healthy state of body and mind.




Three lemons with leaves


Lemon juice flushes toxins from your body and popular for its detoxifying effect. Lemons help with your digestion as well.

However, always keep in mind that for proper cleansing of your mind and body, it is also important to eliminate some foods from your regular diet that are not good for your health. These include carbonated beverages, candies, sweets, chocolates and alcohol. Moreover, overeating is also injurious to your health as it overloads your digestive system and causes the system to move slowly, ultimately leading to an accumulation of toxins.


Living Your Power Now

Michael Sorgioavnni

The importance and effects breathing can have in your life.

Are you someone that gets overwhelmed from the pressure and stress daily life can bring?

Do you find it difficult to focus and slow down your thoughts down?

Would you like to learn some simple strategies to add into your daily life that will help you focus, keep calm and feel at peace?

All I am going to be explaining to you in this article is how to remember to breathe…

The body can survive months with out food, days with out water but only a few minutes without breathing. Breathing is the foundation to life.

Thousands of years ago humans understood the importance of breathing in all areas of life; mentally, physically and spiritually. They utilised their breathing for so many purposes, ‘not just staying alive’. Breathing was utilised in ways like healing, manifestation, focus, relaxation and so on… There are certain ratio’s of breath they would use to generate the breath and energy to manifest what they intended to. I will explain more on this in one of my upcoming articles on ‘Ancient rituals’.

It is crucial to understand that breathing patterns affect our mental state because it is your mental state that will determine your wellbeing in your every day life.

The Psychology of Breathing

Your breathing rates are intertwined with your nervous system thus also interconnects with emotional states such as fear and caution vs calm and trust. This is internally and externally processed by the ‘fight or flight response– fast breathing vs the rest and digest response – slow breathing.’

In each individual our internal representation systems are different, meaning we all have our own favoured representation. You might be more of a Visual, Auditory, kinesthetic (feelings), or Auditory Digital (self talk).

A person with an internal favoured representation of Visual will usually breath at the top of their lungs and normally in a faster rate. An Auditory will usually breath in the middle and in a medium rate. Kinesthetic people typically breath from the bottom of their lungs so you’ll see their stomachs going in and out, and an Auditory Digital will sometimes breath from the lower abdomen.

Our favored representational system, becomes our own language for our experience and plays a significant part in our mental processes and consciousness.

Now you have an understanding of how your breathing is impacted, its impacts on your life and how it is linked to our mind, body and even on us spiritually.
Let’s look at spirituality…. Have any of you have experienced or researched the scientific effects meditating have on your wellbeing?

Let’s take a look at some simple breath techniques…

There is one thing that a lot of ‘ancient’ practices and so called ‘new age’ practices of breathing have in common, that is to receive the full richness and experience of a breath, the ratio of the breath. There are many diverse types of breathing exercises available but in this article I am going to keep it simple and focus solely on one aspect of breathing.

Your exhale should be double to what you inhale is, The ratio is 1:1:2. Meaning inhale for 4 seconds hold for 4 seconds and exhale for 8 seconds.

The ‘inhale and hold’ should always be through the nasal passage where a gas called Nitric Oxide is produced by the sinus mucous membranes in your nose and in small doses enhances your lung capacity significantly to absorb oxygen by 15-25%. Nitric Oxide also known to kill viruses, bacteria and other germs.

You then exhale through the mouth, exhaling for double the amount so it slows the exhalation. This extra time allows the lungs to extract a greater amount of oxygen and expand your lung capacity.


To get the best results every inhale breath should be a big belly breath, take that breath all the way to the bottom so your belly in sticking out.
Then you exhale slowly as though you are emptying your belly, sucking it back in.

If you are not comfortable with exhaling for 8 seconds then start off with 2 seconds in, 2 seconds hold and 4 seconds exhale slowly working your way up from there.

The more often you do this the more the benefits you will get.

Breathing can also be used as a ‘reset button’, so if you are ever in an overwhelming state just focus on your breathing ratio to get yourself in a calm state.

I recommend you make this a daily ritual. Start off by doing a minimum of 20 breaths each morning, maintain your full focus on just the breath. Be conscious of yourself and your presence in that moment.
I guarantee that this will kick start your day off by feeling calm, relaxed, centred and powerful.

Living Your Power Now

Michael Sorgiovanni


How to feel happiness or any other desirable state immediately!

The powers of our thoughts are crucial to the results we get in our life.

People strive their whole life to find happiness, many searching in the wrong places. A common issue is people trying to ‘buy’ happiness, when external possessions will never give the happiness one desires (not to say that having money wouldn’t make the journey easier)

As many of you searching for happiness have read over and over, happiness may only be found from within. We know this to be true, but what does that really mean?

From an NLP (neuro linguistic programming) perspective, happiness in merely a ‘conscious state’. We experience so many conscious states on a daily basis, one’s which we identify as emotions; sadness, anger, fear, guilt, grief, shame…. These emotions must become a conscious state for us to determine its existence and recognize what we are feeling. Happiness is also an emotion, a state of mind, a feeling.

Considering that happiness is driven from positive emotions, let’s think about how our experiences effect these emotional responses and these effect our state of mind. If we could control our responses, our views and maintain a positive approach, we change our state of mind and in effect our reality. Right?

Sounds easy doesn’t it?

Where do we start? Firstly let’s explore how we can achieve a desired state

As I mentioned earlier our thoughts are crucial to the results we get in our life. So how do we control our thoughts? In NLP, through a process called ‘Anchoring’.

What is anchoring? Any time a person is in an associated, intense state, if at the peak of that experience, a specific stimulus is applied, it creates a link neurologically.

For example, have you ever found yourself with an old friend, reminiscing on a fond memory, you find yourself laughing uncontrollably, the feeling of happiness overcomes you, it is as this point if you stopped in that moment as I have in the past and anchored that state, you would be able to access that ‘state’ at any point. Does this work? Yes it does, it has worked for me and many others…
As with everything, the more you practise this technique, the more successful you will become at this, creating longer lasting results.

How do you anchor? In the example given above, something as simple as catching yourself in that moment and creating a stimulus by touching your knuckle for 5-15 seconds could create an anchor for you to access later.

Anchoring can assist you in gaining access to past states and linking the past state to the present and future.

By learning how to anchor yourself with positive states, you can virtually tap into any resourceful state that you want and feel confidence, relax, motivated, love and happy immediately.

The process

1. Decide on a state you want to anchor, whether it be happy, calm or relaxed.
2. Choose an anchor (for simplicity reasons choose a knuckle to touch) that you wish to trigger the resourceful state.
3. Recall a past vivid experience and remember the more intense the experience is the better the results will be.
4. Activate the anchor when the experience is vivid, at its peak and you’re in the desired state. (apply stimulus to a knuckle, for best results hols the point for 5-15 seconds at the peak of the state)
5. Release the anchors when the experience begins to fade. Note: If you keep applying the anchor when the experience is fading, then you will anchor a drop in calmness and relaxation.
6. Break your state, think of something else… open your eyes… distract yourself.
7. Repeat the steps several times, each time making the memory more vivid. (this is not actually required if the anchor is established at the high point of the experience, however it will strengthen the anchor by doing so consistently for several experiences.
8. Evoke the state, press on the anchor and check if the required state occurs.
9. Future pace the situation where you want to experience the desired state. Fire the anchor to check that it creates a sufficiently resourced state
10. Check the anchor the next day to ensure it is a permanent anchor.


The Five Keys to Anchoring are:
• The Intensity of the experience
• The Timing of the Anchor
• The Uniqueness of the Anchor
• The Replication of the Stimulus
• The Number of Times

• It is important that the anchors are fired the same way when linking them to the resourceful experience.
• If when you are firing the anchor and experience anxiety, stop applying the anchor, you do not want to anchor the negative state.
• Look out for the moments in your everyday life where you experience an uplifting state and remember to anchor them.

Never forget, your thoughts are crucial to the results you get in your life, you can action what you desire to feel. It will only happen when you come to the realisation that you deserve better in your life than what you’re getting and set new standards on how you’re going to feel.

There is an abundance of techniques, strategies and information to change the way you think and feel in life, anchoring is just one.

Why not try anchoring?

Stay posted for more articles.

Living Your Power Now

Michael Sorgiovanni