|| 4 Ways to help you deal with a Break Up ||
~ 3 dependencies in a relationship ~
-Co-dependence: relying on others to provide what we are not providing for ourselves.
– Independence: being self-reliant, self-empowered and capable of providing our own needs, emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually.
– Interdependence: being a whole and balanced person who is able to share with and join in the healthy resources of life and others. This facilitates an even greater expansion in life than the independent stage, as we now have unlimited access to even more love, success and happiness than we could have provided for ourselves.
4 strategies that will help you move on
1. Write it down
2. Take care of yourself
3. Focu on all the good things you have
4. Do things you love
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Looking forward to connecting with you soon!
Peace & Love
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